Oils on canvas 91cm across x 40cm in height. Inspired by the colourful markets in Zambia and by the courageous people there, who, in spite of their daily struggle are always dressed in beautiful bright colours and are always ready with an open smile and an easy laugh. This open friendliness is something that us Africans sorely miss when we venture across the seas
The market
10% of the proceeds of this lively and colourful piece will go to Donata Childrens home in Mkushi in the Central Province of Zambia. See the link below to discover more about this amazing place that needs funds desperately and is run by a most amazing and dedicated lady http://www.donataschool.org/ or tour the school via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqq4uS6kaAY&feature=youtu.be
Shipping rates and times
UK & Europe US$ 20 within 5 weeks to reach final destination
USA & Australia US$ 27 within 6 weeks to reach final destination